Month: April 2008

  • 2008.4.25 April Cho . Matt Lee . Jacob Lee . Cherk Lam
    awesome shoot opp. that i had for April Cho’s band for Illinites;
    it was also the debut of my new lens, 24mm f/1.4L; it’s such a sweetheart

    i also had an interesting time processing these images since the stage lights were pretty crazy,
    and i didn’t really want to make the set all in black&white

    the practice shots were taken with the 24L, and i shot the performance mostly with the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS right up at the foot of the stage.

    i’ve still yet to test out my lighting and umbrella setup;
    any takers?







  • 2008 Lock In



  • 2008.4.5 Senior PowderPuff Coverage::

    i apologize for not being able to commit to full coverage of the event; i had a previous social engagement with the IIE (institute of industrial engineers) so i only got to check out powderpuff for about 45mins-

    congrats senior girls on the win =D
    makes me so happy ^_^

    i apologize for the over-use of the fishy
    david lai and alex roy currently have my 24-70L
    and christina had my 1.6x crop 30D which i was going to use with the fishy; and she also had my 16-35L

    lol, i was pretty much stripped of gear this weekend; but, as alex roy says- we know how to use the fishy as our walk-around

    senior class; thank you for 4 years
    God, thank you for your faithfulness


  • She’s a Killer Queen::

    She keeps Moet et Chandon

    In her pretty cabinet

    ‘Let them eat cake’ she says

    Just like Marie Antoinette

    A built-in remedy

    For Kruschev and Kennedy

    At anytime an invitation

    You can’t decline

       Queen – Killer Queen

    musicians just don’t write like they used to
