Month: June 2009

  • hello from Beijing

    Well I’ve actually been in Beijing for a good 3 weeks now (or has it really been 4 weeks already?); well, since June 1st. you can do the math.

    It’s slightly more complicated to blog over here, since all access to most blog sites (Xanga, WordPress, etc) are blocked by China’s internet security system, what many people have lovingly termed, “The Great Firewall”. But, there are of course means of bypassing this restriction – and I am currently wondering what the consequences are, of being caught doing so.

    Either way – I am writing through the means of using one of these bypasses.

    It’s been pretty busy over here – settling down and figuring out the whole Beijing slang/accent. I’m pretty much a Twinkie (see: white-washed Asian) over here, which complicates things a bit, since I can spit out a few seemingly coherent phrases in Mandarin – but that leads locals to think that I’m ‘one of them’, and I’m barraged with an onslaught of Chinese which I can barely understand.

    I’m working as an intern for a Search Engine Marketing company for 6 months to a year, and I do intend to possibly look for a full time position here afterwards. It’s quite a transition into this industry. Having no marketing, and minimal IT/programming experience, it’s a lot of reading and trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do on a day-to-day basis. One of the most helpful things that I’ve been keeping up with, are the RSS feeds of many SEM/SEO (Search Engine Marketing/Search Engine Optimization) blogs and websites that I have subscribed to in my Google Reader. It’s hard work though. These websites and blogs churn up to … maybe more than, 40 updates a day. Its a lot of reading I tell you!

    Anyhow – I think I’m done with this post. I figure this is a pretty good start to updating – I might actually start up a new blog, so I can keep my SEM/SEO side of me separate from the photography side of me. Though, I guess I don’t even really update my pictures much either. Heh. This is what I would call: “fail-sauce”.

    Well, signing out.
